Help your university to stand out from the crowd
The Pay Index will work with your university to inspire and engage with your student and alumni communities. We can help you to find solutions to the challenges students face when leaving higher education, or continuing into post-graduate courses.
Our suite of easy-to-consume university reports, built on over 20 million unique pieces of data, enable users to map out personalised career pathways, understand cost-of-living data and gain insight into their future earning potential.
The Pay Index can help your university by:
- Providing a centralised hub of real-time employment data and LMI (Local Market Information) including salary and bonus.
- Offering genuine real-world application of our easy-to-consume reports that provide important careers education for university students.
- Helping your students to understand and compare the cost-of-living after graduation for different locations and career pathways.
- Our financial explainer and comparison tool lets your students project salary deductions e.g. student loans repayment and National Insurance, up to ten years into the future.
- Showing students a breakdown and explanation of functions and roles within a corporate setting to enable them to accurately plot their career pathway.
- Using the data gathered from your student and alumni communities, we can help you to quantify the employment value of your university for future marketing, based on personalised alumni salary, function and sector statistics.
“The opportunity to work with innovative software, great people and fascinating data makes this project between The Pay Index and the Careers and Employability Service here at the University of Nottingham so exciting. The insights we’ve already gained from using The Pay Index are fascinating and we’re keen for our students and graduates to use this brilliant tool in addition to our existing resources in their career development planning.”
Stuart Marriott, Associate Director, Careers and Employability Service
Request a demo
Request a free demo to see how we help universities around the world.
Contact us for a free demo to see how our reports improve your knowledge and insight of your alumni and how your courses add value to your students.
Email us at, or click below to enquire.
My Future: First Job Offer

My Future: Career

My Future: Head Office

Who we work with...

Request a demo
Request a free demo to see how we help universities around the world.
Contact us for a free demo to see how our reports improve your knowledge and insight of your alumni and how your courses add value to your students.
Email us at, or click below to enquire.