
Is your business looking for a pay tool?

Learn more about TPI corporate reports

Paid fairly? Benchmark your compensation.

Benchmark my compensation

University, apprenticeship or workforce?

What's right for you?

Addressing the gender pay gap? Use The Pay Index to understand your gender pay inequality.

Help track my pay gap

Important notice:

Keep Your Profile Updated for Accurate Analysis

At The Pay Index, your personalised experience is our top priority. To ensure you receive the most accurate and relevant insights, it's crucial that your profile information is up-to-date. Here's how you can help:

  • Check Your Details When Signing In

Each time you sign in, please review your profile details. Make sure your current job title, industry, salary, and location are accurate.

  • Update Your Profile Regularly

Your career is dynamic, and so should be your profile. Whenever you experience a change in role, salary, or location, take a moment to update your profile. This ensures that our analysis reflects your latest career developments.

By keeping your information current, you help us provide you with precise, tailored insights that can assist in your career growth and salary negotiations.

Stay updated, stay empowered!

Making a social impact by providing pay and career advice for all.

The Pay Index helps students, professionals, educational institutions and businesses by providing interactive pay and careers tools.  These users make informed decisions by providing transparency and analysis through its salary comparison reporting tool. Our up-to-date market data and cutting-edge software puts important salary and career prospect information into the hands of those who need it.


                                                             !!! Exciting News !!!

We are excited to unveil our latest innovation designed to empower you with insights into your compensation:

The Personal Report (TPR)

This bespoke analysis provides a comprehensive evaluation of your current pay, offering a clear comparison with market standards.

For Individuals

For Schools and Universities

For Businesses

See how much you can earn throughout your career via university, apprenticeship, and professional pathways. Or compare your current salary with up-to-date market data.

Students >

Professionals >

Whether a school, college or university, The Pay Index has an easy-to-use suite of reports that allow you, and your members, to compare higher educational outcomes for salary and career.

Schools >

Universities >

The Pay Index's interactive pay tools allow you to offer competitive compensation to new hires. The reports  keep you informed on current benchmarking so you can secure top talents.

Pay Tools For Businesses


How can TPI help me in my school journey?

“My Future” helps school students decide on the next steps when leaving school. 
“My 1st Job” helps undergraduates and business school students when they come to leave university.  
“inspo” connects students (under-graduates initially) with working professionals for tangible career advice.

Find out here

How can TPI help my students with next steps? 

TPI provides pay data advice for your careers advisors to advise your students.
TPI provides careers advice to your students via interactive tools, as well as our mentoring tool, “inspo”, focused on social mobility.
TPI also provides interactive tools for your international students, helping them navigate their way in the UK. 

Find out here

Who we work with...



Why do individuals use The Pay Index?

Individuals use The Pay Index to gain a much clearer understanding of current compensation levels, essential when:

  • Negotiating a new job offer
  • Preparing for an annual appraisal
  • Understanding whether you are paid at, above or below market rate
  • Considering a move to a different town or city



Why do companies use The Pay Index?

Obtaining compensation data  is increasingly difficult. The Pay Index enables companies to gain a view on current global compensation expectations to assist with attracting and retaining the very best talent.


"Working with TPI has been a delight and they have encouraged real national collaboration, with a content creation group set up and the sharing of practice and sessions to create consistency across our regions.“

- Ant Sutcliffe, Head of Higher Horizons




Unique Cost of Living Index

Ever wondered how the cost of living within different cities impacts how much people need to earn or be paid? The Pay Index contains a unique interactive tool that enables individuals and companies to compare cost of living levels between different cities to understand how this impacts real-world net compensation levels.