Support Your Students' Future Employability
How The Pay Index helps schools, colleges to support students
The decision whether to go to university, take an apprenticeship or go straight into the workforce can be a difficult one for students.
Access to accurate and timely information is a critical part of this decision making process. However, information like this is difficult for schools and teachers to find, and hard to interpret.
This is where The Pay Index comes in! We have created easy-to-use tools in conjunction with a number of higher education bodies to create an informative tool for schools and teachers to support students as they consider their further education options at this critical stage in their development.
What do students get out of The Pay Index?
The Pay Index is driven to provide useful real-world information about salary and employability prospects for young people and their parents to aid their decision-making process at such a crucial time. Our product is designed to offer clear and easy to understand answers to the burning questions on the minds of students and parents:
- How might a university degree affect a student’s take home salary?
- What value can university bring to a student’s future job prospects?
- How would doing an apprenticeship impact future salary and career prospects?
- Learning about the gender pay gap and its impact on salary and career prospects
- How does a student's location affect future job prospects?
- What is the effect on a student's cost of living when choosing where to live?
How does it work? Watch our short video below:
Who we work with...

What our partners say about us...
“It is a fantastic tool for disadvantaged children to plot a path through higher education and to dispel myths surrounding student finance.” Richard Seymour, Project Officer of Higher Horizons
“We have struggled to deliver on the Gatsby Benchmarks, in particular accessing local labour market information and The Pay Index provides this.” Michael Senior, Director of Sixth Form of Kingsbury High School
"With regards to TPi, students very much enjoyed the software and I had some amazing feedback. They were impressed with how it informed and in some cases changed their decision." David Brackpool, Head of Year 13 at Royal Alexandra & Albert School
“A personalised and organic tool that is easy to navigate and gives accurate results based upon real-time data. Powerful aid to student decision-making and futures.” Fiona Berry, Hub and Stakeholder Liaison Officer of Humber Outreach Programme
“Working with The Pay Index has led to what I feel is an amazing collaborative toolkit. In such times when young people are being switched off or overwhelmed with digital content, this stands out as something that truly will engage, challenge and get young people thinking.” Naomi Prendergast, Head of Humber Outreach Programme
Request a free demo to see how we help inform school students about their next critical move.
Email us at, or click below to fill in the form
Reports to help schools and colleges support students and parents decision making
My Future: University
My Future: Apprenticeship
My Future: Degree